We went to Dothan last weekend for my dad's high school reunion. We also got to go to the church that my great Uncle Mike started which happens to be the church that some of our family friends, Lauren and Rob Webster not only attend, but Rob is the worship leader at Covenant. Right before the service started, we stood in the Atrium and chatted with Lauren. It was so fun! She told us about their recent trip to Disney, in which she tells us about the shirts. The Mickey and Minnie shirts she had gotten made for her children. Lauren had gotten a lady in Montgomery to make appliquéd Mickey and Minnie shirts, but they were awful. She was so funny! She said they were poorly made, cost a fortune, and just didn't look good. I knew right then I had to make her some shirts.
Here are the shirts I made for her!
She absolutely LOVED them! I'm so glad!
~ Allison
You bet your sweet bippidi boppity boo I loved them! They were (and are) the best! Just like you. :-)