Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Big Sky // Big Christmas

So since it is almost the middle of January I figured it was about time to get around to blogging our  fabulous Christmas.  We have done the exact same thing every Christmas my entire life which is great, I love traditions but this year we did something quite different.  It was so so fun! We decided to go skiing for Christmas.  Not before Christmas, not over New Years but over Christmas.  It was strange not being home for Christmas but it was also refreshing to do something new as well.  

This was our fifth trip to Big Sky, Montana to go skiing.  Only this time was a little but different because in the past we have gone over spring break in March and let me tell you it is a wee bit warmer in March.  The one fabulous part about going in December was the snow.  OHH EMM GEE it was great.  It snowed over 26 inches while we were there.  We flew back on the 26th and were still able to get back and do most of our normal Christmas things. It was great. 

Even though it was not what we normally do on Christmas, it was perfect in every way.  We were all there together, sleeping in the same hotel room, eating every meal together, and really just cherishing our time together.  And in my opinion that is what Christmas is really all about. 

Yes, mom decorated our hotel room with our stocking, and yes she did bring lights to hang around the room.  Very festive! Merry Christmas, Everyone!

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